App Manager Features Like Clear Data, Kill App, Uninstall, Backup Apk/Data And Restore Apk/Data. Emulations To License Apps To Work Same As Google Servers. Universal Patch To Patch License Check Of Any Android App. Custom Patch Per App Based Available For Hard And Popular Apps Including Apps Protected With Different Types Of Obfuscators. Is an educational, testing and research tool and does not provide any copyrighted products or material so it is on the end user like developers, students or researchers to test the tool on their product or licensed product only and it does not break any copyrights of the app as it makes changes to those files which are created by android system for that particular app and does not modify any APKs installed leaving their integrity untouched! Jasi Patcher is an automated patching tool for android intended to bypass restrictions in the apps & games, it includes custom patches, support patches, universal patches, offline emulation, spoof, hooks, tools and utilities.